Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Friday, August 7, 2009
~tHe OnE thaT pEople scare on their hair~
After all the hectic week…at last i can take a break rite now…but for only this weekend….second season of test gonna coming soon…wuhoooo…instead of rest im getting tests…tests tests tests!!!!!!!! arhh!!!!!!!
But now im gonna talk about something that normal people would scare of….something that stuck in their hair…hehehe…..well I got this idea during the lab…lolx..While waiting for the results (during Dr Choo lab), I saw my friends HL, PS and SF, talking about hair…hehehe…
That thing is……………………KUTU….do you know what hell is this thing???…in english what we call head louse (scientific name =P. humanus) ….heheheh….mostly girls are afraid of this insect..
If you wanna know…this blood sucker like to hang around at your hair if you didt take care of it…hehehe
Well if you want your hair full of it then I cant help it la…lolx
But if you want to have nice clean, straight hair…this are the treatment:
- Use them as your head louse buster!!!!! HL and FS
firstly they will see how critical the situation is…..hermmmm pretty bad PS…lolx
the hand god of HL….lolx…no chemical…no wonder HL have to use glasses…haizzz…searching head louse for years….lolx…just kidding k..XD
2. Use organic chemical from certified head louse buster lab…lolx…
~this protein complex will attack the gene of the kutu… that they cannot reproduce…the RNA INTERFERENCE….lolx…spray it on your hair…
By doing these treatments, the result would be like this:
well control treatment the overdose of RNA interference
well thats it for tonight…right now my hair very itchy d…didt wash my hair after swimming just now…means the swimming pool’s water kinda dirty…hehe…still itchy…AHHHHHHH
Gotta go now!!!!!!
good nitezzz peepss!!!!Tuesday, July 28, 2009
THingS ThaT HaPPen iN JUst 4 DaYs of My liFE
yoyoyo!!! Sorry for not updating my blog recently...kinda busy with my tight schedule for my midterm..hehehe...
Well alot of things happen 4 days before...haiz...Last Sunday, on the way back to Kampar my bus broke down..the engine came out alot of smoke....hehehe..Well, thank goodness i didt sit behind...huhuhuhu...XD
While waiting for the next bus....damn BORING~!!!
And guess what is this tree....Its rambutan tree..just behind me is a fruit orchard....damn big...but pity...not fruits to eat...(means stealing)...lolx
At the same time...few minutes after the bus broke down...there is a car accident just about 50m from us. I think the driver looking at me when he/she pass by....IM HANDSOME KUA!!!!..wakakaka journey continue when the next bus reach and fetch us back...hehehe..but only 4 ppl are allow to sit the bus...WTH!!!! Well first come first serve..lolx....Without wasting anytime (its already 7.15pm that time), I take my bags and fight for the sits...XD
Few days before come back to Kampar, I read the news about Yasmin Ahmad (director for Sepet, Gubra, Talentime and some locat advertisements) that she been admitted to my heart that time say "Hopefully she will recover soon bcs i wanna watch the talentime", which i think gonna be in local cinemas this coming August.
On Sunday itselfs when I go to church (which is fall on St Anne Day), im praying that she will recover soon...haizz..God loves her more...may her soul rest in peace....

~enjoying the durian..yum yum~
Faster open it...cant wait!!!!!!
Plus, on the next few days which is Sunday, we went to WATERFALL!!! Really enjoy my life....hehehe
Btw there is one case happen in Westlake...maid abuse...pity Eileen...
She begging for mercy!!!!! HEEEELLLPPPP!!!!!...LOLX
OK..thats all for tonight peeps..hehe..might be update around next week or this weekend...Goodnitezzzz~~~~~
Sunday, July 12, 2009
ThE CollECTions..^_^
Well..yesterday i just had my Management Principles midter..kinda ok la..cukup2 makan aja..XD.
After that im soo damn happy and my burden lifted nia..kekeke....but still im endorsed my friends that gonna take Human Resource and Principles of Biotech together on the same ya...hohohoho...all the best!!!
Btw...since my junior Rajiv...always complaining about me didt update my blog...
Rajiv: Oi!! Ur blog didt update r? No need to update d la..close ur blog long didt do blogging!!
Well Mr Rajiv..since u got plenty of time updating ur busy with my "stuff" need ur opinion whether gonna up update my blog not..XD....I punya suka la..hahaha..lolx
Back on track..since from last have been collecting some of my favourite stuff...insects..hehe....Well...I had found kinda interesting insects here..huhuhu
Well very sienzz right now..haiz..talking crap only here..hehe..
Well...i had these stuff my uncle (got my own resource k ~.~)
well..thats all for my block..sure the my rajiv gonna said its LAME~~~well who care..XD..
Friday, May 15, 2009
~Holiday - Langkawi~
To ease my feeling, me and my group to Langkawi for holiday ( already plan one month earlier). Im very exited when hear about it but since my pocket money just enought for this sem so I spend all my ptptn money..(bankrupt jor lor) huhuhu..
Before that, during exam week I celebrate my friends birthday!! Alice and Eric Tiew/Teow/Teo..sorry I forgot ur maiden name wei..keke
Here are some of the pics from the surprised birthday party jor!!!
This is what we have done to her car
This is Eric pulak!!
OK!!! Now back to the holiday...hehehe..Im really glad and happy that I when to Langkawi because this is the northest place that I had been since Penang last year.
We took 1045 train from Kampar but been delayed for another 15 minutes and stuck in the train about 9 hours to reach Arau. While waiting for the train, we hang out at the station there and fool around since no entertainment..keke
While on the train i took some nice sleeping pics of them..keke and with extra from mother during lecture..i forgot to post her last blog.
Well there are alot of pics during the trip but u all can check it out can my FB.
Kinda tired during the fist day..have to wait check in at 12 noon. So we lepak for awhile and refill our rent car (very chiplak) go around the island. After we check in, we go out to twon for our dinner and so do some survey of chocs and liquors. Well tell prices abit cheap only lor..bcs most of the stuff from outstation..
Second day we go for island trip andcable car..During that time I wonder if I afraid for when reached at the bridge between two hills, guess what?
After that we go to jetty for our dinner (Kenny Rojers
On the last day, we go SHOPPING!!!! Dozens of chocs they all buy except me even Im chocs maniac...kekeke.
Ok thats all I wanna say about my wonderful trip to Langkawi..will be update soon if anything interesting happen during this sem break!!! ADIOS!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
well this is eric and zelene...posing...never seen ze lene the PURE INNOCENT BT student in our class wear so sexy that night..kekeke..Btw Eric cuba mengambil kesempatan ni..
She is like my prom date but not alike bcs we going in grp as singles...kekekeke
This is kenny...our politic expert..kekeke...doing drama with ze lene...btw ze lene like kena buli all that night bcs she doest like ppl to touch her...haha..that right she sooooo pure and innocent..wakaka
Cute ze lene at last been hugged by kenny...just like pillow...huuuuu!!!! siok nye....
Me and Ze lene...hehehe..wearing my sunglasses eventhough its dark inside just for extra fashion yr one once ok..btw this is my FIRST PROM NIGHT.....dont believe r..nvm lor...kekeke
This is Harpreet @ miss prom night (she keep asking is she pretty for every 5 minutes) but actually she no luck that night...huhuhu
Seems to be Kenny enjoy his dance mate..btw her name is babe wei.....
Everyone keep asking me who is she actually....guys from my group and my housemate too...pls stop asking me k..i know her on the surface only la...thats all...if u wanna know ask her la..aiyo...
Ok la...cannot tahan d..very late d...i still havent finish my chem...sat got midterm...shit..cannot finish r...tension2 ....huhuhu
Next update will be on Sat midnight...kekekeke...its about our mother..Miss Mermaid sleeping post contest...kakakaka....again..sorry for the late update...pretty busy with exams currently..hehehe