Thursday, April 9, 2009


yoyoyo!!!! long time didt post my blog...really damn long...sorry guys...btw its been long time since im update my blog..lolx. Btw alot stuff happend during this past two months..kakaka. First is prom night...lolx..its just like disco..wakaka..even though never been there so INNOCENT..WAKAKAKA... Btw this is Miss Alice..kekeke.. That time i really didt really recognize her at first sigh...lolx...only when ze lene told me that its her...its totally MAKEOVER...kekeke..apa boleh buat...its eric low po..hahahaha...btw she take off her highheal during dance..its really a crazy nite..enjoy to the fullest wei..wakakaka well thats ze lene...V cut wei..i meant the sexy ar..hahaha illias and our jeff aka wu zun (i dunno how to spell)...hehe..btw that time illias quite depress....emoing tak tentu arah punya budak...but last minute baru enjoy...haiz..ape la kena dengan budak ya ... this is my home language..kinda mixed/bhs pasar)

well this is eric and zelene...posing...never seen ze lene the PURE INNOCENT BT student in our class wear so sexy that night..kekeke..Btw Eric cuba mengambil kesempatan ni..

Well, this is my Cassy aka Miss Pink(she like pink colour- everyting in her room is all pink..not to meantion her ..erm not going that far detail d) gym mate..lolx...pretty leh...kakaka..jangan perasan eh..
She is like my prom date but not alike bcs we going in grp as singles...kekekeke

This is kenny...our politic expert..kekeke...doing drama with ze lene...btw ze lene like kena buli all that night bcs she doest like ppl to touch her...haha..that right she sooooo pure and innocent..wakaka

Cute ze lene at last been hugged by kenny...just like pillow...huuuuu!!!! siok nye....

Me and Ze lene...hehehe..wearing my sunglasses eventhough its dark inside just for extra fashion yr one once ok..btw this is my FIRST PROM NIGHT.....dont believe r..nvm lor...kekeke

This is Harpreet @ miss prom night (she keep asking is she pretty for every 5 minutes) but actually she no luck that night...huhuhu

Ok, now is Kenny Ma scandalous pics..lolx...not actually...that time is our floor dance music...everyone get i take opportunity of take Kenny's evil...hahaha..btw this is my first time see ppl dance like this..kekeke
Seems to be Kenny enjoy his dance mate..btw her name is babe wei.....
Everyone keep asking me who is she actually....guys from my group and my housemate too...pls stop asking me k..i know her on the surface only la...thats all...if u wanna know ask her la..aiyo...

Ok la...cannot tahan d..very late d...i still havent finish my chem...sat got midterm...shit..cannot finish r...tension2 ....huhuhu

Next update will be on Sat midnight...kekekeke...its about our mother..Miss Mermaid sleeping post contest...kakakaka....again..sorry for the late update...pretty busy with exams currently..hehehe


Anonymous said...


David said...

That's such a freakin old event Sam! LMAO